
Faculty, BIG DATA (information), Large language model(LLM), Generative Pre-trained Transforme model(GPT), Research Lab's "FBLGR Quality" is a leading company,AI Science and Technology Innovation for Global Sustainable Development.
Security,DX, ICT, AI, Agriculture, Medical, Human Resource Development, Future Prediction, SDGs, etc.

Geoffrey Hinton

Company Profile


Guided by the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which are the common goals of the international community, we will live together with society while supporting the future of the earth and people through our business activities and various initiatives.
Saving energy is a shortcut to reducing energy costs and decarbonizing management
GPT is a generative model artificial intelligence platform, with multiple languages and data analysis tools, suitable for business solutions and industry applications such as healthcare, and especially suitable for tasks such as document generation and interaction.
Health Promotion and Decarbonization Promotion Project
A company that supports the resolution of social issues such as decarbonization, health promotion, and regional revitalization


digital twin

GPT model training

We develop our business with sustainability as its core, and aim to make our customers, society, and the earth sustainable through our business and products.
We have decided to revise our business purpose in our articles of incorporation, which defines our business area, to clearly state that we "aim to realize a sustainable society," and to reflect the 17 goals of the SDGs. Although the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation will become effective upon approval at this extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, we believe that developing businesses that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society will lead to the medium- to long-term interests of our shareholders. We hope that we will receive the approval of our shareholders.
Our aim is to operate the following businesses and all related businesses with the aim of realizing a sustainable society.
(1) Businesses that contribute to resolving all forms of poverty issues everywhere
(2) Projects that contribute to solving hunger issues, achieving stable food security, improving nutritional status, and promoting sustainable agriculture.
(3) Businesses that contribute to ensuring healthy lives and promoting welfare for all people
(4) Projects that contribute to providing inclusive, fair, and high-quality education to all people and promoting lifelong learning opportunities
(5) Projects that contribute to empowerment for all gender equality
(6) Projects that contribute to ensuring access to and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all people
(7) Projects that contribute to ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
(8) Businesses that contribute to promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and stimulating and creative work for all.
(9) Projects that contribute to developing resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and expanding technological innovation
(10) Projects that contribute to correcting all disparities and eliminating discrimination
(11) Projects that contribute to making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
(12) Businesses that contribute to ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns
(13) Projects that contribute to taking emergency measures to prevent climate change and combat its effects
(14) Businesses that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and marine resources for sustainable development
(15) Contribute to the protection, restoration and promotion of sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable management of forests, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation, and halting biodiversity loss. business
(16) To promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Business that contributes to
(17) Projects that contribute to strengthening implementation means and revitalizing global partnerships for sustainable development
For the entirety and details of the proposed amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, please refer to the article announced today: Setting a record date for convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, changing the fiscal year end (last day of the business year), and changing the trade name (in English). Please refer to "Notice Regarding Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation Due to Changes in Business Purpose, etc."
Based on the new business objectives set out in our articles of incorporation, our company aims to develop businesses that contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

work together
Why do not you

1-1-1 Aramoto Kita, Higashiosaka 577-8521
Tel: 06-6720-8749