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REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. It is a company that owns, operates, or finances income-producing real estate. REITs pool the capital of numerous investors to purchase a portfolio of properties or real estate assets, which allows individual investors to earn dividends from real estate investments without having to buy, manage, or finance any properties themselves.

Types of REITs

  1. Equity REITs: These own and operate income-producing real estate. They generate revenue mainly through leasing space and collecting rents on the properties they own.

  2. Mortgage REITs (mREITs): These provide financing for income-producing real estate by purchasing or originating mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. They earn income from the interest on these financial assets.

  3. Hybrid REITs: These combine the investment strategies of both equity REITs and mortgage REITs.

Key Features

  • Liquidity: Shares of publicly traded REITs are bought and sold on major stock exchanges, providing liquidity to investors.

  • Dividends: REITs are required by law to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends.

  • Diversification: Investing in REITs provides diversification to a portfolio, as they offer exposure to the real estate market.

  • Professional Management: REITs are managed by professional teams, which can lead to better management and operation of real estate assets.


  • Income Generation: Regular dividend payments make REITs attractive to income-seeking investors.

  • Capital Appreciation: The value of REIT shares can increase over time, providing potential capital gains.

  • Accessibility: REITs allow individual investors to participate in large-scale real estate investments that might otherwise be out of reach.


  • Market Risk: Like all publicly traded investments, REITs are subject to market fluctuations.

  • Interest Rate Risk: REITs can be sensitive to interest rate changes. Rising rates may increase borrowing costs and reduce the value of existing real estate loans.

  • Economic Risk: The performance of REITs can be influenced by economic factors such as employment rates, consumer confidence, and overall economic growth.

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1. 概要


2. 不動産仲介業務のプロセス

2.1 物件の収集とリスト化

  • 物件の収集:売主や貸主から物件の情報を収集します。

  • 物件リストの作成:収集した物件情報を整理し、リスト化します。リストには、物件の所在地、価格、間取り、築年数、設備などの詳細情報が含まれます。

2.2 顧客のニーズヒアリング

  • ニーズの把握:買主や借主の希望条件(予算、立地、間取り、設備など)をヒアリングします。

  • マッチング:顧客の希望条件に合致する物件をリストから選び出し、提案します。

2.3 物件の紹介と内覧

  • 物件紹介:顧客に物件の詳細情報を提供し、写真や図面、映像などを使って紹介します。

  • 内覧の手配:顧客が実際に物件を見学できるように内覧のスケジュールを調整します。

2.4 交渉と契約手続き

  • 交渉サポート:価格や条件について、売主・買主、貸主・借主の間で交渉をサポートします。

  • 契約書の作成:合意に達した条件を基に契約書を作成し、契約手続きを進めます。

2.5 アフターフォロー

  • 取引完了後のサポート:契約後も顧客が安心して生活や営業を始められるよう、必要なサポートを提供します(例:引越し業者の紹介、リフォームの手配など)。

3. 不動産仲介業務の役割とメリット

3.1 役割

  • 情報提供:市場の動向や物件の詳細情報を提供します。

  • 交渉代理:顧客に代わって価格や条件の交渉を行います。

  • 契約手続き:契約書の作成、手続きのサポートを行います。

3.2 メリット

  • 効率的な取引:豊富な情報と経験を持つ仲介業者が取引をサポートすることで、効率的かつ円滑な取引が可能になります。

  • リスクの軽減:契約に関する法的なアドバイスや、取引に伴うリスクを軽減するためのサポートを受けられます。

  • 時間と手間の削減:物件探しや交渉、契約手続きなどを一括してサポートするため、顧客は時間と手間を省くことができます。

4. 法的規制と倫理

4.1 法的規制

  • 宅地建物取引業法:不動産仲介業務は、各国の法律に基づいて行われます。日本では「宅地建物取引業法」に基づき、宅地建物取引業者として登録された業者のみが仲介業務を行うことができます。

  • 宅地建物取引士:仲介業務を行う際には、宅地建物取引士(宅建士)の資格を持った担当者が必要です。

4.2 倫理

  • 公正な取引:不動産仲介業者は、顧客に対して公正で透明な取引を提供する義務があります。

  • 顧客第一主義:顧客の利益を最優先に考え、誠実な対応を行います。

5. 不動産仲介業務のAI活用


5.1 物件マッチング


5.2 価格予測


5.3 デューデリジェンス


6. 結論




ステップ1: 建築設計図のデジタル化

  1. スキャンとデジタル化: 物理的な設計図を

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経営学 研究


We do things which others have never done before by creating completely new methodologies. We co-create value boldly by delicately disrupting conventional value.

We provide open access to technology such that everyone, from individuals to organisations, can participate in and contribute to a sustainable ecosystem of intelligent  and technology for the benefit of society.

Cutting-edge technology that attracts the world's attention

​1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...

2. Internet of Things (IoT) ...

3. Cloud Computing...

4.5G connectivity...

5.Ubiquitous network...

6. Computer vision ...

7. Robots & Drones ...

8. Blockchain

9. Digital fabrication

10. Big data

self-driving car
Natural language processing*
* A series of technologies that allow computers to process language (voice assistant, automatic translation, etc.)
Plastic recycling technology
AI-powered sensor
*Technology that analyzes life science information with IT technology and uses it for medical improvement and product development
green hydrogen
shared mobility
alternative protein
3D printer
materials informatics
precision agriculture
synthetic biology

"Environment/Energy Field", "System/Information Science Field", "Life Science/Clinical Medicine Field"), "Nanotechnology/Materials Field"
Bird's-eye view classification and research and development area
Environment/energy application
Next-generation solar cell materials/ Power storage devices/ Power semiconductor materials/devices/ Energy carriers/ Separation technology/
Life/Healthcare Applications/Biomaterials/Nanomedical Systems/Biomeasurement/Diagnostic Devices/Bioimaging
  ICT/Electronics/New Functional Nanoelectronics Devices/Integrated Photonics/Spintronics/MEMS/Sensing Devices/Robot Fundamental Technology/Quantum Information/Communication/Quantum Measurement/Sensing/
Social Infrastructure/Structural Materials (Metals)/Structural Materials (Composite Materials)/
Design and control of materials and functions/Molecules/Element strategy/Rare element replacement/Materials informatics/Phonon engineering/Topological materials/Low-dimensional materials/Design and process of complex materials/Nanomechanical control technology/
Common basic science / Microfabrication process / Additive manufacturing / Laser processing / Nano-operand measurement technology / Materials simulation / Common support measures / ELSI / EHS of nano / micro materials, international standards
Sustainable energy and resources, advanced materials and green intelligent manufacturing, ubiquitous information networks, eco-value agriculture and bio-industry, comprehensive health security, ecological and environmental protection, development, aerospace and maritime capacity development, national and public security In order to do so, the following strategic research will be focused on.
 1.Sustainable energy/resource system = three types of research, including scaled power generation and advanced nuclear energy using renewable energy, high-efficiency comprehensive utilization of clean coal, and research and development/application models for deep resource exploration equipment.
 2, Advanced materials and green intelligent manufacturing system = research on green manufacturing equipment for high-quality basic raw materials, high-performance composite material development and manufacturing equipment, highly efficient and clean recycling of resources, ubiquitous information manufacturing technology, etc.
 3, Ubiquitous information network system = "post-IP" network model, "IOT: Internet of Things" (ubiquitous network), research on low-cost, low-loss information equipment systems and application models.
4. Eco-value agriculture/bioindustry system = research on molecular design of agricultural animal and plant varieties, biomanufacturing, new bioindustry, etc.
5. Comprehensive health security system = four research areas: early diagnosis and systemic involvement of serious chronic diseases, brain and cognitive science, psychological and mental health, stem cell and regenerative medicine, and low-cost health and medical technology with widespread benefits.
6. Ecological/environmental protection, development and development system = carbon cycle/climate change response research, regional environmental simulation/watershed environmental management system/application model, research on strategic bioresource protection and utilization and biodiversity, etc.

AIGC is in high industry demand and has been labeled as one of the most prospective paths for the future of AI. The AI industry is expected to experience a technological revolution driven by the application of AIGC in text, audio, images/videos, games, the metaverse, and many other technological scenarios. The successful commercialization of AIGC in those fields represents the potential of a trillion-dollar market,and has made related startups extremely appealing to investors
Methods that train and fine-tune AIGC (AI-Generated Content) models in a faster and cheaper manner have become extremely sought after for the commercialization and application of AIGC. Using previous experience regarding large model acceleration, AI was able to release a complete open-source Stable Diffusion pretraining and fine-tuning solution. This solution reduces the pretraining cost by 6.5 times, and the hardware cost of fine-tuning by 7 times, while simultaneously speeding up the processes! The fine-tuning task flow can also be conveniently completed on an RTX 2070/3050 PC, allowing AIGC models such as Stable Diffusion to be available to those without access to extremely complicated machines.

ChatGPT: Optimizing
Language Models
for Dialogue

We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.

Our company participates in the R&D team of chatGPT

Our company participates in the R&D team of BaiDu chatGPT


Our company participates in the R&D team of Alibaba chatGPT

Introducing Bard

It’s a really exciting time to be working on these technologies as we translate deep research and breakthroughs into products that truly help people. That’s the journey we’ve been on with large language models. Two years ago we unveiled next-generation language and conversation capabilities powered by our Language Model for Dialogue Applications (or LaMDA for short).

We’ve been working on an experimental conversational AI service, powered by LaMDA, that we’re calling Bard.

An AI research and deployment company. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.
· No-code AI is a category in the AI landscape that aims to democratize AI. No-code AI means using a no-code development platform with a visual, code-free, and often drag-and-drop interface to deploy AI and machine learning models. No code AI enables non-technical users to quickly classify, analyze data and easily build accurate models to make predictions

















Our mission is to build open-source AI projects through collaborative research efforts between leaders and experts in their fields; these include researchers, engineers, developers, PhD candidates, and AI artists across multiple disciplines. Current AI projects include text-to-image generation and model developments in language, learning, audio and biology.

Our primary drive is that creativity promotes the advancement and expansion of the human potential to develop breakthrough ideas and convert them into practical solutions to build an inclusive, more communicative, creative future for everyone.

ASR + #ChatGPT + TTS + Sentimental analysis + #Audio2Face + #MetaHumanUnrealEngine


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Ph.D. in Computer Science, Harvard Universityand Doctor of Business Commerce and Management,Harvard University Research Scholar, University Professor


Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine



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