
Faculty, BIG DATA (information), Large language model(LLM), Generative Pre-trained Transforme model(GPT), Research Lab's "FBLGR Quality" is a leading company,AI Science and Technology Innovation for Global Sustainable Development.
Security,DX, ICT, AI, Agriculture, Medical, Human Resource Development, Future Prediction, SDGs, etc.

Geoffrey Hinton


Basic Policy and Strategy
One of our basic policies is to contribute to and strengthen initiatives for the SDGs, including climate change. By leading the industry in realizing a decarbonized society, we aim to achieve "zero offset" by 2040, 10 years ahead of the government's Japan target, taking into account the amount of reduction contribution made by the cleantech business.
Environmental risks, including climate change, are also opportunities for cleantech businesses. From a medium- to long-term perspective, we will adopt cutting-edge technologies and proactively promote concrete measures that contribute to social structural transformation toward a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society that is expected to grow sustainably in the future.
By actively promoting businesses that contribute to the reduction of emissions, such as the cleantech business, we aim to achieve zero offset* in our GHG emissions by 2040.
• Zero offset: Reduction contribution exceeds the Company's GHG emissions
Decarbonization efforts have become indispensable for business activities, and the software industry, which contributes to reducing environmental impact, is also increasingly required to reduce its own carbon emissions.
GSF (Green Software Foundation) is a global non-profit organization established in May 2021 to promote "green software," which is software with low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and to promote the construction of an ecosystem through it. The background to the establishment is the increase in power consumption due to the growth of the IT industry.
Until now, efforts have been made to reduce GHG emissions, mainly for physical facilities, such as hardware energy conservation. However, the IT industry's share of global power consumption is expected to exceed 20% by 2030, up from 10% in 2015 (*1), indicating that the software industry has inevitably made efforts to reduce power consumption.
In addition to power efficiency, GSF is working to reduce GHG emissions more broadly, including the development of standards and tools for developing green software, focusing on GHG emissions and hardware usage when generating electricity.
The scope of influence of green software covers in-house software, corporate facilities (Scope 1), energy use (Scope 2), etc., and when subdivided into these, the following eight principles can be cited.
• (1) Carbon-efficient application development
• (2) Energy-efficient application development
• (3) Power consumption at the lowest carbon intensity
• (4) Hardware-efficient application construction
• (5) Maximize hardware energy efficiency
• (6) Reduce the amount and distance of data on the network
• (7) Carbon-conscious application construction
• (8) Focus on incremental optimization to improve overall carbon efficiency
Increase business agility and create value
Evolving application development
HOCITGROUP's strength lies in its ability to flexibly integrate and modernize the latest technologies such as Agile, DevOps, Cloud Native, Low Code Platform, and iPaaS, which continue to grow rapidly in the market, and conventional application development such as waterfall development, and to propose and implement "the right person in the right place" for customers.
Innovation contributes to your business value with productivity and high quality for complex application development.

African"The World's Largest E-Waste Graveyard" Agbogbloshie, Ghana
300 million mobile phones discarded in Africa annually "Leakage from Japan" As for e-waste recycling, "there is a connection between Africa and Europe, and an international chain of resource circulation has been established, which can be expanded to other resources. I think the environmental value behind the business is huge."
Africa develops new technologies to transform lives and spark new business opportunities. We conduct research in key areas such as water management, agriculture, transportation, health care, financial inclusion, education, energy, security, and government. With facilities in Kenya and South Africa, we foster local innovation ecosystems and have created new models for partnerships with industry, academia, government, non-profits, and start-ups.


Sustainability Team members


